My resume

My resume!

— Hi! I’m skilled backend developer with 5 years of experience, application development, and database modeling.

And I like my work:)


  • ■ PHP (PHP, Yii2, CakePHP, Laravel, Wordpress and other)
  • ■ JavaScript (Javascript, NodeJs, ExpressJs, AngularJs, jQuery, js-plugins and other)
  • ■ DB (MySQL, MongoDb)
  • ■ HTML, CSS (Bootstrap)
  • ■ QA Test Automation
  • ■ Composer, GIT, LAMP, Docker, Ubuntu, VirtualBox
  • ■ cPanel, DNS, configure servers
  • ■ Other languages Java, Python, Visual Basic, Delphi.


  • ■ Ukraine - native
  • ■ English - medium
  • ■ Russian - medium
  • ■ Polish - elementary


  • ■ Responsible
  • ■ Sociable
  • ■ Energetic
  • ■ Fast learn new
  • ■ Can teach others
  • ■ Execution of non-standard solutions
  • ■ an independently study another programming language


  • ■ Nice people
  • ■ Animals
  • ■ Nature
  • ■ Sport
  • ■ Women
  • ■ Delicious food
  • ■ My work
  • ■ Nice code (PSR).


  • ■ Bad people
  • ■ Smoking
  • ■ High alcohol consumption
  • ■ Injustice
  • ■ Stupid games
  • ■ To do nothing
  • ■ Bad code